Author Shannon Esposito joins us in this episode to discuss her recent experience with BookBub.
Have you had the opportunity to run your first BookBub promotion yet?
If you have, then you know how powerful BookBub can be as a tool for promoting your books to readers. But, do you know how your results compare to the results of other authors? If you haven’t run a BookBub yet, what should you expect when the time comes to do your first promotion?
In this episode, hybrid author Shannon Esposito shares the specific results of her most recent experience with BookBub. We walk through the entire process, from applying to BookBub, to pre-promotion planning, all the way through to post promotion results, with real numbers.
Shannon indie published her KARMA’S A BITCH, the first book in her now three volume Pet Psychic Mystery Series in 2012, so the promotion was only able to lead readers into two more books in the series, but as you’ll hear during the interview, this promotion led to a significant number of new readers, reviews and, most importantly, sales.
In this 24 minute episode, we’ll take a deep dive into Shannon’s BookBub promotion, the free service she used the day before her ad ran, and go out six weeks from the promo date to review her results.
Show Notes
- Shannon writes the Pet Psychic Mysteries, a series with three books.
- She decided to run the promotion during a period where are book sales are historically slow. For this promotion, she made the first book, KARMA’S A BITCH, free.
- The day before her BookBub she ran a free advertisement with E-Reader Cafe, which generated nearly 2,000 downloads.
- Shannon walks us through her day of watching free downloads, which she describes as surprisingly fun.
The BookBub promotion generated 19,600 free downloads at a cost of $120. The total free downloads for both BookBub and E-Reader Cafe were nearly 22,000.
- Within 24 hours of running the back to back 24-hour promotion, she had added 50 new reviews in the US and her first 15 reviews in the UK.
- We discuss the sell through she saw with the other two books in her series, and the surprising momentum of the free book, which continued to sell at extremely high levels after the promotion ended.
- Shannon shares specific unit sales numbers for the series in the month prior to the promotion, the month of the promotion and the month following the promotion.
- She learned that if an author is turned down for a BookBub ad for the US it is now possible to resubmit an application for an international ad which she says are cheaper and easier to get.
- Shannon suggests all authors claim their BookBub author profile
- Shannon is a hybrid author with a traditionally published book, FAUX PAS, being released in the US on December 1st.
Click here to listen to episode 61 of The Author Biz
Shannon’s website
Shannon’s Amazon author page
Social Media: Facebook and Twitter
E-Reader Cafe website
BookBub website
Thanks Shannon for having the courage to throw out some real numbers. I might be trying this soon. Even if I don’t sell a single paid copy, the reviews would be worth it.